Monday, April 25, 2011

LAB by Matheiu Badimon.


         This website's homepage has a menu that displays 7 different options: ELASTIC SPIRAL, LIQUID FORM, WARPED TEXT, ACTION CHESS, GRAVITY BALL, BLOCK CLOCK, and CORNER DRAG. ELASTIC SPIRAL brings you to a screen where you can spin a grey and white patterned circle to the left or the right and then it snaps back. Let it be noted that on the left hand, right hand and bottom parts of the window you can adjust the angle at which you are viewing the object. LIQUID FORM takes you to a screen where there are two white circles with dark green outsides, and if you move them in close proximity to each other the dark green outsides become attached. WARPED TEXT is the word "FORM" and you can click on buttons and drag to warp the word. In ACTION CHESS, moving the cursor over the small white blocks makes them get big and pink. With GRAVITY BALL, the higher you throw the ball the deeper it falls into the soft ground. BLOCK CLOCK forms the time from different blocks that lay around the time, it tells you in hours, minutes and seconds. You can also click the option chronometer, and then it acts like a stop watch! CORNER DRAG allows you to drag the word "DRAG" over a corner.
         I like this website because although it seems quite simple, the amount of work put into creating these seven windows as well as being able to alter one's perspective in three dimensions is amazing. Unfortunately, the artist Matheiu Badimon is under construction, so I couldn't find out much else about him, besides that he is French and his profession is a web designer.

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